Week of Events
Art and Craft Group
Art and Craft Group
Enjoy a time of friendly encouragement, while you get creative. Set some time aside for your artistic or crafty endeavours: there will be lots available or you can bring your own craft project with you to craft in company! Art and Craft Connections is a place of fun, and a place of growth: friendships, craft […]
Knit and Natter
Knit and Natter
Everyone who likes knitting or crochet, sewing or embroidery, even crafts – bring your own and join in the fun! Share ideas and patterns, learn new skills, and have a chat! Refreshments available. All welcome at this monthly group. Feel free to bring friends and neighbours along too. Takes place: first Monday of each month […]
Baby and Toddler Group
Baby and Toddler Group
Meet up with other parents and carers and enjoy time with your babies or toddlers (age 0-5). This lively group offers lots of fun and activities for the children, plus great friendship and refreshments for the parents. There is plenty to do: play, crafts, songs, chatting and friendship. Takes place: Tuesday during term-time, 1.15-2:30pm Venue: […]
Communion Service
Communion Service
The mid-week service is a traditional Communion service, usually with hymns accompanied by our organist. It often follows the Book of Common Prayer (1662), which is loved for the beauty of its language and the contemplation and quiet it provides. Usually we gather in the church’s choir stalls. This service generally lasts about 30-45 minutes, […]
The Open Link
The Open Link
The Link (our entrance and welcome area) is open for hot drinks and a friendly chat on Monday and Thursday mornings during term time. Sometimes there are also homemade cakes on offer, or some yummy biscuits. Whether you come for a morning coffee with friends, to get to know new people, or just to sit […]
Table Tennis
Table Tennis
Our weekly Table Tennis group meets on Friday mornings from 9:30-12:30. Come and enjoy a few games of table tennis, and a friendly chat between matches. Players of all levels and all ages are welcome. Bats and balls can be provided if you need them. Play for fun, improve your game, keep fit, and meet […]
Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service
This service has something different going on every week. It is always relaxed and welcoming. Everyone gathers together to worship, and then children and youngsters have the opportunity to go out to their own age-related groups. There is also a soft-mat area in church with a few ‘quiet’ toys for little ones, and a separate […]