We are committed to loving Jesus with our whole lives, and to loving and serving each other and our wider community. Our vision is for Jesus to transform our lives and our community, and this is reflected in our values.
We want to be a church that is welcoming and caring for everyone, valuing our diversity, sharing life’s ups and downs, and blessing our community.
As a church family, we rejoice in God’s love for us and enjoy celebrating and sharing life together.
God can do immeasurably more than we ask or even imagine. We pray expectantly to see God act.
Spirit-filled life
We recognise that we need to respond to the Holy Spirit in worship, in prayer, and in daily life.
Maturing faith
We want to enable people to grow into wholeness and freedom, and we take God’s word seriously.
We are active in using our gifts and resources to serve each other, our community, and the wider world.
We prioritise reaching out to our community, near and far, with the love and light of Jesus.