Giving is an important part of our spiritual and church life.
- It might involve our money, our time, and our service.
- It’s part of our worship, a way in which we give thanks to the Lord and praise him for who he is and for all he has given us.
- It is also part of our community life, a way in which we can share with others, show we care, and get involved.
Find out more about financial giving below.
Find out more about being involved and giving time and service here.
Ways to give to God’s work at St Saviour’s Church
Parish Giving Scheme
The Parish Giving Scheme is a way of inflation-proofing your regular giving. The scheme allows you to make donations on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. Additionally you can commit in principle to increasing your gift annually in line with inflation. Find out more here or pick up an information pack in the Link.
If you would like to give via the Parish Giving Scheme, pick up an information pack from the Link and complete the form.
Standing orders
This is another way of giving to God’s work and enables you to make a regular, consistent commitment. It also helps St Saviour’s Church with budgeting and planning.
If you would like to set up a standing order, pick up a standing order form from church. Please take or send the completed form to your bank.
Bank transfer
There are times when you may wish to give a one-off donation to St Saviour’s Church. One way to do this is by arranging a bank transfer. Our account details are:
- Account name: PCC of St Saviour’s, Iford
- Account number: 56117450
- Sort code is 52-21-34
- Bank: NatWest
- Please make sure your name is included as a reference, so that we can claim Gift Aid where appropriate.
Online giving
We have a range of campaigns via ‘Give a Little’ that you can contribute to:
- St Saviour’s general fund – to give a general donation to St Saviour’s Church
- Fabric fund – to give specifically to the ongoing needs to repair and maintain the church building
- Youth and children’s work – to give specifically to our children’s and youth work
You can give anything from £1 upwards to St Saviour’s Church. Click on the link and choose how much you want to give. You will be asked to give your credit or debit card details and, if you are a UK taxpayer, you will be given the option to Gift Aid your donation.
On a Sunday
Collections are taken during each of our morning services. You can just put your gift in the collection plate as it passes round. Or, if you are a taxpayer, you can use one of the yellow envelopes, so that we can reclaim the tax under the Gift Aid scheme. If you would like to give by cheque, your cheque should be made payable to St Saviour’s PCC.
Visitors to the church are under no obligation to give.
Online shopping
If you shop online, you can raise donations every time you shop by registering with easyfundraising and selecting St Saviour’s Iford as your charity.
Similarly if you shop with Amazon, you help to raise funds for St Saviour’s Church by going to our charity page on AmazonSmile and choosing PCC of St Saviour’s Iford as your charity. Amazon will give 0.5% of the net purchase price (excluding VAT and other shipping fees) of eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organisation selected. Every little helps!
Where does the money go?
Money given to St Saviour’s is used for the work of St Saviour’s, the clergy and staff, and at least 10% is given to mission partners. In addition we occasionally take up special offerings in the event of a particular disaster or to support a specific endeavour.
We take our stewardship of people’s gifts very seriously. Our finance committee takes responsibility for monitoring our financial position and ensuring that expenditure is within agreed budgets.
As a registered charity (Charity No. 1130676) we are committed to complying with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements. An independent examination of our accounts is carried out annually. The examined accounts, a full financial report, and annual budget are published every year and made available at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) in April.
If you have any questions about financial giving or need to let us know about any changes to your giving, please contact our Treasurer.
What is Gift Aid?
If you are a UK taxpayer, we are able to reclaim a further 25% of the value of your gifts. To enable us to claim tax back on your gifts, pick up a gift aid declaration form from church.