We want to put ourselves in God’s hands, to listen to what he wants to speak into our lives, and to see the power and truth of his love at work through our care for one another and our community.
Rather than relying on our own strength, we want to look to the Lord and his strength.
So, we want to give priority to times of prayer, to being before God, and to bringing him our worship – in our individual lives, in our homes, and in our church.
Priority 1
Priority 1 is our weekly prayer meeting where we pray for anything and everything! As the name suggests, we think prayer is paramount. Time and time again we see that when ‘We pray, God acts!’
Different every time, we usually begin Priority 1 by focussing on God through a worship song, giving thanks and turning our hearts to Him as we follow this with prayer for different aspects of life at St Saviour’s and for the wider world.
Come along and join us as we see God at work.
Takes place: Wednesday evenings at 7pm (except August)
Venue: Currently on Zoom
Key contact: Andy McPherson
Prayer area
Our prayer area is a dedicated space within the church, set aside for prayer and peaceful contemplation, as well as being used for Sunday prayer ministry at our services.
The area has comfortable seating, reflective pictures, and prayer aids. Whenever the church office is open during the week, you can get access to this area. Visit by yourself or with others to draw aside with God, or you can ask one of our Link volunteers to pray with you.
Pastoral care
We all have times when we need a little bit more love, support and prayer than usual. We have a pastoral team of people who can draw alongside and support you, practically, lovingly and prayerfully. If you feel that you, or someone you know, would benefit from a visit, please contact Andy McPherson.
Our pastoral team meets fortnightly to pray for all these requests, and to coordinate pastoral aspects of the church’s life, including our welcome team, our prayer chain, prayer ministry, home communions and bereavement support.
We’d love to help you and pray for you.
Our pastoral care team also oversees our caring ministries. There are many ways to be involved in pastoral care at St Saviour’s, from supporting groups such as Diamond Times, cooking meals for Comfort Food and offering friendly, practical assistance where it is needed. If you care about people and you would like to be involved in supporting and reaching out to others, the team would love to hear from you.
Key contact: Andy McPherson to arrange a pastoral visit
Prayer chain
Our prayer chain is one way that we try to stand with each other in prayer in times of difficulty or crisis.
If you or a loved one are facing a difficult situation and would like ‘emergency’ prayer, contact Jan Randall and the prayer chain can be set in motion. Members of our church who are on the prayer chain are sent an ‘emergency’ prayer request and will pray for those in need. Prayer needs are kept completely confidential within the prayer chain members.
If you would appreciate ongoing prayer from the wider church, your request can also be added to a list of prayer needs included in our weekly newsletter and in our prayer times during Sunday services. Please let the church office know if you would like your name or situation included in this way.
Key contact: church members can make prayer requests via Jan Randall
Prayer ministry
The prayer ministry team are available to pray after the 10.30am Sunday service, and at some other services. We aim to provide a safe place for people to talk about anything in confidence, and to come into God’s presence through prayer, allowing time and space for the Holy Spirit to bring healing, transformation and hope. With God’s grace and mercy, we aim to minister without judgement or prejudice. For a copy of our prayer ministry team guidelines please click here.
Receiving prayer ministry is an opportunity to meet with God, and to be touched by the truth and power of His love as someone prays with and for you, discerning and passing on any words of encouragement that they feel God has for you.
Everyone is welcome to come to our prayer area for prayer ministry after the 10.30am service, but we can also arrange for prayer in the Link throughout the week. Just get in touch with Andy to arrange a convenient time.
We also offer prayer for healing at our evening service for Holy Communion and the laying on of hands. This takes place every second Sunday of the month at 6pm.
Key contact: Andy McPherson
Bereavement support
Every bereavement is different, and how we react to the death of a loved one is very individual. If you have been bereaved and need some help and support, please get in touch via our church office.
From visiting at the time of your loss and offering practical help with a funeral, to praying with you as you work through the grief and impact of your loss and offering practical support, we would be privileged to draw alongside you at this time.
We also offer an annual bereavement service (at one of the churches in our benefice) on the first Sunday in November as an opportunity to remember loved ones. All are welcome, whether you have been bereaved recently or some time ago.
Key contact: Andy McPherson