Our weekly newsletter is available in church on Sundays or by email (please contact the church office if you would like to be put on the circulation list).
Newsletter special
We also produce a quarterly newsletter ‘special’ that aims to:
Inform, Inspire, Involve
The newsletter special is a great way to stay in touch with what is going on at St Saviour’s, to read inspiring and interesting articles, and to find out about ways to get involved. Pick up a copy at church, ask the office to be included in the circulation list, or have a look at the latest issue online.
Latest issue
Click here for our latest issue.
Issue number: 7
Date of issue: 28 March 2021
Next issue
Submission deadline: to be confirmed
Issue 8 due: to be confirmed
How to contribute to our newsletter special
We welcome contributions and feedback. If you have news, articles, or suggestions, please contact the office. Or you can leave a copy of your item in the office pigeonhole in the church corridor (between the Link and the main church).
Some guidance about word counts and the like …
Please keep text to a maximum of 400 words. Wherever possible, send your article as an electronic text file (e.g. in Word – not as a PDF or jpeg) and submit images as separate files. No need to worry about laying it out – we will reformat it in the magazine style, editing as necessary.
See above for the next submission deadline, but in the main, just keep thinking ahead about what you could write for the next issue!
We look forward to hearing from you.
Get the newsletter by email
If you would like to receive the newsletter special by email, please contact the church office.