‘Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!’ (2 Corinthians 5 verse 17)
This week our new website went live! A new creation! The old has gone, the new is here! Obviously this verse from Corinthians is about so much more, but read on – perhaps there’s a connection …
The creation of this new website has been a long process – a prayerful process of listening and surrendering to God; a creative process of coming up with ideas, decision-making, designing, choosing, writing, taking pictures, building, and tweaking, and …
… And now, here it is! It’s arrived, and so we can get to know it, explore it, and use it. Our hope from the beginning has always been that the website will serve God’s purposes, point toward Him and His great love, and bless both individuals and our wider community. And if that is to be so, the creative work certainly doesn’t stop here.
Our creativity stems from His creativity, and needs to be alive and active. The website may have started with the creative germ of an idea, but now that we have a new website, we need to consider how we can best use it to express our faith, to build relationships, and to communicate God’s great love for everyone.
Of course, the important thing will not be the website (though we are thankful for it), but rather keeping close to the source of all creativity, the Creator, the uncreated One, and in doing so, creating new opportunities and encounters with Him, that others may know for themselves the deep truth and experience of being a new creation in Christ.
See for yourselves, and get creative!