‘There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.’ 1 Corinthians 12 verses 4-6
Recently, we took part in the SHAPE Course – six sessions when we were encouraged to think about spiritual gifts which could be used in God’s service. People will have taken away different things from the course and much of what we discovered was personal to our individual walk with God. But there were some excellent general principles which are relevant to the ongoing life of our church family:
- God gives all of us gifts for this to happen. We serve God in many ways.
- Every form of service is important. The same Spirit is active, and all gifts are equal to God.
- We need at all times to be open to God’s calling. Sometimes we don’t know our gifts until we try something new.
- If God calls you, He will equip you.
One of the loveliest things about the Pentecost Banquet was the way in which so many of our church family got involved. Everyone had a part to play. In the same way, everyone has a spiritual gift to use in God’s service. So whatever stage you are at on your journey with God:
- If you think you have a gift which might be used to serve God, speak to Andy or one of us.
- Next time there is a SHAPE course, sign up for it. We can both highly recommend it!
Christine Moyes and Bev Collum-Mills (churchwardens)