Since lockdown began it has been a challenge to adapt our youth strategy to our current situation. However, it has been really encouraging that we have still been able to meet a couple of times each week online.
In particular, I found that Youth Alpha went really well as the video series lent itself nicely to watching together online. We intend (once things are back to normal) to meet together for an evening to follow up properly, and to give the young people an opportunity to ask any questions they didn’t feel they got to ask over the course.
Furnace online
Since Youth Alpha finished last week we have been thinking about what next! After chatting with the young people, we feel that they would benefit from a midweek catch up each week – Furnace online!
So, we’ve decided we’ll continue meeting together via Zoom on Wednesdays, at a slightly different time of 7-8pm. The Zoom code will remain the same (ID 635 654 9809), as will the password (if you need it please, contact me). The new format will be a relaxed space to share and ask questions, as well as to play some games together. Then we will watch a short video clip together at the end, as a sort of follow on from Youth Alpha, continuing to look at some of the basic principles in Christianity. Young people of all ages between 10 and 18 are welcome. We hope to see you there.
Jez Ferguson, youth minister