Why replacing our church doors is key to making people feel welcome
‘Blessed is the man that listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway.’ Proverbs 8:34
According to biblical scholars, doors signify communication and agreement, and, when doors are open, that people are in communication with God and others. A door also symbolises the transition and passageway from one place or world to another. Often we can feel that, as we cross the church threshold, we leave the outside world behind as we step into a special place of hope and peace where we have time to be with God.
Over the last year, with the Link entrance closed, our main entrance has been via what we call our ‘wedding doors’. It was so good to have the old doors replaced last year in time for small weddings to take place. The new doors really look the part – strong and secure, and a great improvement to the fabric and security of our church.
Now we need to turn our attention to the replacement of our ‘funeral doors’. Again, these are important in that we open them to welcome those who have died and their loved ones, as they come to say goodbye and celebrate the lives of those dear to them. The doors currently in place are in poor condition and there are concerns that they are not as secure as we need them to be.
The quotation to replace and fit new doors is just under £5,200. It would be wonderful if we could aim for the replacement to take place in the Spring. Could you please consider helping us to raise the funds? If you are able to make a one-off donation or a number of smaller donations over the coming weeks, these would be very welcome. Please indicate that your donation(s) are for ‘Church doors’. Please send cheques to the church office or give online via the church website. God does love a cheerful giver! Thank you!
Christine Moyes, churchwarden