Ever since Ignite was first given the ‘go-ahead’ at a PCC meeting back in 2015, the vision has been for a magazine that reflects our identity as a church family; that communicates our news, events, and groups; that we can pass on to friends and neighbours with confidence; and that does what it says on the front cover: informs, inspires, and involves. It has been thrilling to see this vision realised, with many of you contributing and being a part of its genesis and development. But now, 18 issues on and with personal pressures currently affecting both editors, it’s time to take stock and reflect on possible ways forward.
God’s vision or a nice idea?
A quote from Rick Warren (author of ‘Purpose Driven Life’) recently gave me pause for thought: ‘Obeying God’s vision will brings God’s provision.’
This deceptively simple statement raises all sorts of questions in relation to Ignite. Is Ignite part of God’s vision, or is it just a nice idea? Are we being obedient by producing our bi-monthly magazine, or does God have other things in mind? Are we seeing provision – not just financially, but also contributions from a wide cross-section of church members? Are we, as a church family, ‘owning’ it and contributing to it, or are we seeing it as a nice magazine that is ‘done’ for us – lovely on the coffee table, a handy source of information, and even a good read, but requiring nothing from ourselves? Are we willing to give it to others, or are we reluctant to use it as a tool for outreach?
These may seem rather deep questions for what is after all ‘only a church magazine’. However, if we really want to be obedient to God’s vision, they are questions that are worth asking. What is the way forward for Ignite?
Help is needed
Each issue of Ignite involves a lot to make it happen: planning, requesting articles and news items, writing/editing content, sourcing images, dealing with copyright issues, sorting out the layout, formatting, and more … If Ignite is to continue, we are in need of help. And if Ignite is part of God’s vision for St Saviour’s, we can be assured of his provision for it.
So, what can you do?
- Pray: for wisdom and provision in relation to Ignite.
- Complete our questionnaire: tell us what you think, what’s important to you, and how you might like to be involved.
- Submit a contribution: maybe just emailing us an idea; or ‘having a go’ at a review or a reflection; or ‘going for’ a full-blown article. Everything will be considered!
- Become a section editor: lots of fun, a great way to gain editorial experience or to use organisational and creative skills, and you will be well supported. Speak to/email Clare (clare@stsaviours.net) by 5 August to find out more.
We really hope to hear from you and look forward to your responses. Thanks so much for your support and prayers.
Clare Shearing, Ignite Co-editor