Celebrating Pentecost in lockdown
May 31st is Pentecost Sunday and we would usually gather together for a great celebration service in church, giving thanks for the coming of the Holy Spirit and celebrating the birthday of the church, often including waving flags in a wonderful atmosphere of praise and worship.
Flags and videos
This year we can’t all be together in person, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could get to see one another as part of our online Pentecost celebration? We are suggesting that each household might like to make a flag or banner during the next two weeks, and then record a 10-second video of themselves, showing their flag and then waving it and shouting ‘Happy Pentecost!’, followed by a phrase, e.g. ‘Come Holy Spirit!’; ‘Happy birthday church!’; ‘Thank you Lord for the Holy Spirit’; ‘Jesus is Lord’; ‘You are amazing God’; etc.
Use your own creativity and imagination. It could be a fabric flag made from anything you have to hand, e.g. pillow case, scarf, tea towel, or a paper one. You might want to decorate it with words, symbols, or anything bright and cheerful you can find. It does not need to be a work of art (although it could be). Its just a creative expression of thanks for God’s amazing gift of the Spirit to live in us.
Please send your videos by WhatsApp to Jez on 07453 016016 by Sunday 24 May.
Don’t have a smartphone? You can still join in!
If you do not have a smartphone or cannot use WhatsApp but would like to take part, please let us know. We will try to find someone from church living nearby who can come and record you on your doorstep from a safe distance, or through your window if that feels safer for you. We need to know as soon as possible if you would like to do this, so we can arrange a time to come. Please phone 01202 425978 and leave a message if there is no answer.
Get making flags and videoing!
By uploading your video you consent to St Saviour’s Church using your video as part of our online services. If you are concerned about your children appearing on the video, why not get them to hold a banner or flag up in such a way that it covers the bottom half of their face and top half of their body and their eyes are looking over the top?
Please start making your flags, banners, bunting or whatever you feel inspired to do now so that you can send videos to Jez as soon as possible! Editing them all together will take time, so it’s no good if he gets them all at the last minute.
Thanks for all you are doing, and get making flags and videoing!
Mel McPherson