So sang Bob Dylan many years ago. And as August fast approaches, I need to let you all know about some changes in the Open Link.
Last summer, we trialled opening the Link on just one morning each week in August. This worked well, and so we have decided to do the same this year. For coffee, tea, table tennis, or friendly conversation, why not drop in to the Open Link?
We’ll be open every Thursday during August, between 9.30am and 12.30pm. The more the merrier!
In addition, we have some other changes coming up in the autumn term.
Until now, Tuesday has been Craft Connections morning, but we will be swapping to Thursday as our regular slot in September This means that there is a possibility for more of Christie’s ICN (International Care Network) students to attend. We will also be able to offer them table tennis as well as craft.
Hebrews 13:2 says: ‘Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so, some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.’
As a group, we want to be known for our hospitality, and so we would love to see more people from St Saviour’s joining us on a Thursday morning. Whether you enjoy craft, or simply love meeting people, you can play a part. Please do come along for all or part of the morning, to make things and help newcomers to the UK feel more included in our community as they spend time with us.
For those of you who can’t get involved, I would ask that you join me in praying for all the activities which go on in the Open Link, and for the challenge of finding new volunteers to host sessions regularly or cover absences. As someone we know often says, ‘When we pray …’
Angie Benning, Link coordinator