Tanja Patten encourages us to take time over the summer to think and pray about how we use the Link and how the vision might grow.
The Link was built in 2012 with a real vision to invite the church family and community into a safe space, so they can share and experience the love of God. It’s used by the Linked Ladies, Diamond Times, Companions Café, Knit and Chatter, Thursday Club, Sunday mornings for coffee and croissants between the services and for refreshments afterwards, Priority 1, and various other meetings and groups. It also hosts the Open Link on Mondays and Thursdays, open for the public and church members to come and enjoy chat and some fellowship, with the all-important tea, coffee and bickies.
The Link is a wonderful space and, with the initial vision, we were all excited and faithful about how God would use that space. Like all familiar things, we can often get used to and even comfortable with what we have, but it’s important to keep our vision fresh and to keep working at it. It’s a part of our ministry at St Saviour’s and like all living things, it needs to grow, whatever direction God may decide to take it. It could continue in a café-style and/or grow into something new. Please be praying for the Link.
If you feel you have a real vision for it (it may be a completely new one) or if you’d like to volunteer in order that it can continue to be a café-style place for others to use, then please do get in touch. You may not feel confident to host, but you can pray for it, as our mighty Father does hear our prayers and answers them too!
We are so grateful to all those who give up their time to host The Open Link currently and for all they do – a big thanks from all at St Saviour’s.
Please note: The Link will open as usual on Mondays and Thursdays during July, but only on Thursdays during August.
Tanja Patten, office administrator
Tanja kindly took on the rota for the Open Link when Angie Benning left, but would be very happy to hear from anyone who would be willing to take this on for the future.