‘May the Lord our God be with us as he was with our ancestors; may He never leave us nor forsake us.’ 1 Kings 8 verse 57.
The Easter cross looked so glorious and alive on Easter morning, festooned in more pink than yellow this year. The colours may change, but the message never changes. God is with us! In this reading Solomon is praying that God would be with the people of Israel in such a special way that ‘all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord is God and that there is no other’ (verse 60). I don’t know about you, but I feel so happy and blessed having seen the large number of people that came to share in the joy of Easter. Nothing warms my heart more than to see our church packed out and our team having to go to the back of church to find more chairs for everyone. This is a sure sign of hope that many in our communities do know that the Lord is God and they know where to come to celebrate that and find out more. Thanks to everyone that helped in delivering our Easter cards around the Parish.
Could I please ask for your help in keeping our church in good order? Simple acts of good housekeeping would really help. Please return your Bibles to the book shelf after the service, take with you your copies of the news sheet, drink cups (with lids) and any rubbish is put in the bins. Thank you.
We have a busy summer ahead with an exciting programme of outreach events within the Rhythm of Mission. It will be so good to see what the Lord can do through us. Let us all put God first with our priorities set right for our time and our finances.
Solomon asked ‘But will God really dwell on earth? (verse 25) The amazing truth is that He really did dwell on earth … and He still does today!
Christine Moyes