Andy McPherson shares some significant staff news
Farewell and ‘Thank you’ to Clare
After five and a half years of faithful service as our communications officer, the last year or so working from home and being the hub for communication during the Covid 19 pandemic, Clare Shearing is reluctantly relinquishing her job at St Saviour’s. Clare has been a valued, supportive, prayerful, and visionary member of our staff team. Our thanks go to Clare for work ‘above and beyond the call of duty’, especially during recent, stressful times. ‘Thank you’ Clare for your wonderful contributions to our church’s life and in the words of a churchwarden, “Clare has played a crucial role in enabling church communication to continue over the last year and has been undoubtedly the right person at the right time.” Clare is now becoming a full-time carer for her mum.
We are planning to give Clare a farewell gift and donations towards this can be put in an envelope and dropped through the Vicarage door (53a Holdenhurst Avenue) or handed to a churchwarden at one of our ‘in person’ services. Cheques payable to ‘St. Saviours PCC’ clearly marked on the back ‘Clare’s Fund’.
Opportunities on our Staff Team at St Saviour’s
Following Tanja’s departure in June last year as administrator and Clare standing down from her communications role, there are opportunities to join our Staff Team at St Saviour’s. Both roles involve being a welcoming face in the office or voice on the telephone, as a first point of contact for those seeking information, advice or pastoral support, and may involve prayer ministry where appropriate.
Tanja’s role involved administration, including creating rotas for regular services; managing the activities in the Link; co-ordinating and recording in registers Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals; liaison with the Diocesan Office, including producing regular reports; supporting the administrative teams in our partner churches; monitoring office emails; ordering stationery and refreshment supplies; and liaising with Margaret Shelton on Electoral Roll and Hall Bookings enquiries.
In her Communications Officer role Clare has been responsible for producing the weekly updates and newsletter; maintaining the website, including uploading blogs, sermons, and promoting the activities of the church; developing our presence through media outlets like Facebook and Instagram; producing posters and flyers to publicise group activities and events; managing all our email accounts and media licenses; and ensuring our office systems are maintained. Each of these roles has been part-time (15 hours per week), but they could be amalgamated if the candidate had all the necessary skills.
If there is anyone who feels God is calling them to either or both of these roles, please send an email to
Andy McPherson, vicar