‘When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.’ Luke 2 verses 17-18
As we’ve been reminded so recently at Christmas, the shepherds were keen to ‘spread the word’ after they had seen Jesus in Bethlehem. Similarly, as a church family we are eager to ‘spread the word’ about Jesus, to share the message of His love, and to encourage others to know Him.
One vehicle for doing this is our bi-monthly magazine, Ignite, which seeks to ‘inform, inspire, and involve’. It’s over a year since Ignite was launched and we’re very grateful for everyone’s prayers, feedback and support, especially those who have contributed articles, and those who have delivered copies in the local area (nearly 400 were given away last month). Thank you so much!
The magazine is always evolving and moving forward, and we really want to encourage more of you to get involved in writing for Ignite. There are lots of ways to contribute – news items, inspirational features, reviews, personal testimonies, or simple reflections. Or have a go at writing ‘Psalmwise’ or submitting a topic for our ‘Prayer Focus’. There’s plenty of scope for different styles and interests.
So for budding writers, some guidance about word counts and the like … Please keep text to 100-250 words for a news item, and no more than 350 words for a feature. Wherever possible, send us your article as an electronic text file (e.g. in Word – not as a PDF or jpeg) and submit images as separate files. No need to worry about laying it out – we will reformat it in the magazine style, editing as necessary. Just email your item to ignite@stsaviours.net (or if you don’t do email, leave a hard copy in our pigeonhole).
Submission deadlines are on the first Sundays in February, April, June, August, October and December – just keep thinking ahead about what you could write for the next issue!
Let’s get writing for Ignite and help ‘spread the word’!
Clare Shearing (Co-editor of Ignite)