Many of you know that my time at St Saviour’s has just come to an end and so I write this as a sad ‘so long St Saviour’s’ and ‘thank you’ all for the incredible love and support you have shown me.
As with any job, I was so nervous starting at St Saviour’s. This nervousness, however, didn’t last long. Kerry left the office in great shape, so it was ‘easy’ to slot in. Andy was always encouraging and supportive, Clare and Caz kind and helpful, and sooo pleasant to work with. Many of you came in to the office to introduce yourselves and it made me feel valuable, and as if I’d been here a long time. It’s been so good working for the church. I’d previously only worked for large corporate companies in London, so having a spiritual element to meetings and my work has been so enjoyable.
I must admit, I’m struggling with what to write as there is so much to say. Thanks for making me feel part of the family despite the fact that I worshipped elsewhere. Thank you for all the love and support you’ve shown me. Thank you for all the encouraging messages of support and prayers during Paz’s unemployment. Thank you for those serving in the Link who kept me going with caffeine and thank you to the staff team who I have really enjoyed working with.
Keep up the great work you’re all doing. So many of you serve, (often in quiet) and God sees it all and uses it all. Thank you Steve F, Chris T, Bev, Chris M, Sue, Lynne, the Hadleys, Brenda, Jayne, Penny, Laura, and so many more (hope I didn’t miss/offend anyone!) who have shown me what real servant hearts are like. I really felt challenged when I thought about how much I serve in my church and will certainly learn from you.
I leave with fond memories and will continue to pray for you. God says in Isaiah 55 verse 11: ‘It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.’ Keep on reading his word and serving those in your community because nothing you do comes back empty.
My last day was 30 June. I will visit with my St Saviour’s family one Sunday when normality resumes. Keep safe and God bless you all!
Tanja Patten, office administrator