‘If someone asked you ‘How is your prayer life?’, and you answered honestly, how would you describe it?
Uplifting? Exciting? Boring? Taxing? Regular? Hit-or-miss? Non-existent?
We all know that prayer is an essential part of Christian life. We can all say too that some times we find it easy and rewarding, and others we struggle with it in all sort of ways. No matter how old we are in years or in faith, none of us has completely ‘nailed it’ yet!
Improve your prayer life at Radical peace: a prayer workshop on Saturday 16 November.
Radical means getting back to the root, the basics; but it also means being willing to make a significant and crucial change for the better. We will take the morning to look at how we can have a better prayer life, and to find the peace of God in it. We will have some teaching around prayer ‘giants’, past and present, and have a go at a variety of practical exercises to refresh and expand our experience.
We’ll start at 9.30am on Saturday 16 November, and finish by 11.45am. Coffee will be served at 9am and we will also break for refreshments mid-morning. Anyone who wishes to stay on for a bit at the end for further personal prayer, or to receive prayer ministry, may do so.
Everyone aged 14 (Year 10) and over is welcome! This is a wonderful opportunity for groups and teams (e.g. home groups, Core, the Welcome Team, etc.) to come together for fellowship and growth. Individuals are, of course, no less welcome! This is a free event. To assist us in our preparations, registration will be via Eventbrite or you can sign up in the Link. Feel free to contact me at discipleship@stsaviours.net.
Laura Simpkins, discipleship coordinator