Christine Moyes sees encouragements as Teso Development Trust (TDT) supports church leadership and ministry
Supporting church leadership and ministry in Teso has always been a special joy to all of us in TDT.
From our Management Committee, Revd Robert de Berry is currently teaching at the Lay Readers’ College in Soroti. Robert has done this many times and he is well appreciated by both staff and students there.
The In-Service Bible Schools are also producing amazing fruit, especially in the encouragement of women into leadership. Last autumn our visiting team met with some of the groups and we were happy to see high levels of commitment and enthusiasm. Women are being transformed and are growing in confidence in their leadership. Recently, there was a plan for 23 women to be trained and 48 arrived on the first day!
The major focus of the training is preaching and bible teaching, together with worship, decision-making, and counselling. Following the training, women have seen changes, commenting: “We now contribute to the unity and stability in our churches and our families.” “I am now a happy woman because my knowledge and experience have increased.” “I can now prepare sermons and stand before multitudes without fear.” There are plans for social outreach in communities, as well as practical projects such as animal husbandry, baking, and retail outlets.
All these activities will require funding and there is a great need for bibles, study bibles and other teaching aids. That larger numbers are coming forward for training is wonderful, but this also presents additional funding challenges. We are currently fundraising for additional monies in order that this work can continue. If you feel moved to give your support to our efforts, we would be delighted! Please pray for the trainees and the work they are doing in their churches.
‘Practise these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress.’ 1 Timothy 4:15
Your prayers also please for the newly-elected Bishop of Soroti, Revd Hosea Odongo. He will be enthroned on 16 June 2019.
Christine Moyes