After much fundraising, we were pleased to announce last year that the positions of our youth and children’s ministers were safe for another year, but that we had a shortfall of about £5,000.
Well, that shortfall in the main still exists in as much as what comes in monthly doesn’t cover the expenses that go out – partly because fuel costs are up and so is our Parish Share (by 10%) – that’s the money we pay to the Diocese to pay for our clergy, as well as Diocesan work both locally and nationally.
We do have some savings, thanks to a few generous legacies, but as a church we are hoping to spend them on something more meaningful, tangible and long term, like the new kitchen, upgrading our sound system and gift to our mission initiatives – rather than regular running costs. As we all know, once you start spending your savings you very soon run out of resources! It is not good financial sense to spend savings on day-to-day expenses.
So, as a church we need to look, and then look again at ways of supporting our church – with our time (things we can help with – there are lots of activities and clubs which need your help), with our talents (things we can do – prayers, making tea, cutting out, knitting), with our finances (monies we can give – Parish Giving Scheme, standing orders and one-off gifts).
Do you ever shop online? Ever use Amazon, Ebay, Tesco, etc? Then see the Easyfundraising website for how easy it is to raise funds when you are next online.
If you want to start or maybe increase your giving in any way, come and have a word with me, Pat Smart (Treasurer) or Chris Thorpe (Assistant Treasurer) or Christine Moyes (Churchwarden). We are here to help you to help us make the church wheels run smoothly.
God Bless you in your giving.
Pat Smart