Whether you know Jesus personally already or you are curious about the Christian faith, there’s something for every person in our library – books and DVDs!
We know how vital it is to feed our physical bodies in a healthy way, but what about ‘feeding’ our souls (our relationship with God)? One way is to choose nourishing reading to renew our minds.
Daily Bible notes
If you struggle to understand parts of the Bible (don’t we all?) or to know where to read (that’s me!), then you may find one of many booklets will help you. They cater for every type of person and samples are in the small bookstand for you to take and keep – why not experiment with different ones and start the year well!
Book recommendations
The Ultimate Exodus by Danielle Strickland is a great book, drawing lessons for us from Israel’s escape from Egyptian slavery. The author helpfully draws parallels with our own personal need for God to set us free from different types of ‘slavery’, some of which we are probably not aware. Here’s a few chapter headings which may make you curious – ‘How slavery starts’, ‘There’s a Pharaoh in all of us’, ‘What pain can do’, ‘Unlearning’, ‘Staying Free’. Valuable, thoroughly recommended and easy reading.
Here are a few comments from a couple of recent library borrowers:
Nick Vujicic’s book, Unstoppable has had a profound influence on me. He has lived with no limbs but has chosen to get close to God and be used by Him in powerful ways. Highly recommended, very readable as well as humbling and moving to read how God can use any situation to bring good out of it. He is an amazing God!”
I went to the church library looking for inspiration for our house group and found just what I needed – the book and DVD, There are no ordinary people by Jeff Lucas.”
Life stories
If you have not heard of Brother Andrew (no, he’s not a monk!), there is a very readable book on the first part of his life called God’s Smuggler. Before the Iron Curtain fell in 1991, he regularly
smuggled Bibles into Communist Eastern Europe countries for Christians there, under great threat to his life. The book tells of God’s miraculous ways in how he avoided detection. This book, which has sold 10 million copies, is a real faith-builder!
Peter Gill