Daniel Brooks tells us a little bit about himself and some whacky stories!
My name is Daniel Brooks. I am 21 and I head to the country of Croatia on 21 February for an initial 18 months.
Since being at St Saviour’s (about 3 years ago now) I have always had part of my heart left at the church. I can’t wait to be back to meet with you all and hopefully speak on something that will excite you and help you and me to pursue God even more. Many of you support me in different ways, including prayer and finance, as well as awesome friendship! Thank you for that.
In other news, I recently finished my degree at Moorlands college in 2019 and have somehow, through that as well as other ministry and life experience, gained some simply ridiculous stories, most of which I can’t believe actually happened to me or that I was involved in in any way.
jIn February 2019, I was in the US in the state of Ohio for a placement and I was genuinely mistaken for Rory Mcllory, the famous golfer. Hilariously, this was a childhood nickname of mine. I obviously proceeded to hand the couple a signature, as they had just met their dream star and requested a signature off me. I can tell you this – they loved it.
I also once had a phobia of wasps and bees eradicated by my youth worker making me hold a bee that he had shaken up in a jar. I have been to 18 countries in my life (which is probably less than many of you), and also 10 US states this year. I now have four siblings aged 18, 8, 5 and 3. I enjoy running. I support Norwich City Football Club, and recently (finally – after six years) got to see a game at home again. These are random facts and stories, some are funny, others will help you get to know me a little better before I arrive.
More importantly than all of this, I can’t wait to share with you on mission and also my home Croatia and encourage us to seek God and His will for our lives.
Daniel Brooks, former Moorlands student