‘I want something that will last and to hear you say “Well done”’; I love the song Build this house that this line comes from.
Whatever stage of life we are at, we can find an excuse why we can’t get involved in building the Kingdom of God. ‘I have exams … a young family … a demanding job … I’m too young, too old, too tired, too busy, too unwell; I’ve worked hard all my life, now I want to retire and enjoy myself … someone else will do it better than me.’
God knows all our frailties, our weaknesses, the limitations on our time, our feelings of inadequacy – but He still asks us to share in His mission, and when He calls us He equips us. What He asks me to do won’t be the same as He asks you to do, and what He asks us to do at different stages of our life may change, but He invites all of us to participate in some way all of the time. We are never too young to start serving, and we don’t get to retire from this calling until the day we die.
Ask yourself what have I done in 2017 that has helped build God’s kingdom? What new thing is God asking me to do in 2018?
I believe that for some of you reading this, 2018 is the year God is asking you to get involved in partnering with our sister church, St Barnabas, in helping to build God’s kingdom in new ways, perhaps using new gifts and talents He wants to release in you.
St Barnabas is a small congregation with a desire to grow. The new lay minister there is Daniela who was on placement at St Saviours last year. Daniela has a vision to see God’s kingdom grow in that part of our benefice but she needs our help. This includes prayer support but also practical involvement. I think God is asking me to help Daniela. If He is asking you too, please don’t miss His call. Whether you are nine or 90, however unlikely you think it is that you may be one of the one’s God is calling to get involved, please would you make time to ask Him and to actively listen for His answer. You may be surprised at what you hear!
If you would like to find out more about the work at St Barnabas and how you could get involved, please do speak to me or Daniela. Thank you!
Mel McPherson