‘Give us today our daily bread.’ (Matthew 6 verse 11)
How often we say these words when using the Lord’s Prayer? But perhaps we don’t always consider the significance of what we are saying. The people of our Deanery link in Teso, Uganda are enduring a testing time with a harsh drought and, with that, famine. This will bring a real test of faith to the people, to the church leaders and our partners, and to us. Currently many are surviving on one or half a meal a day. Others may not even have this luxury. Knowing the people as we do, we know there will be those who sacrifice what they have for others – especially thinking of parents who would rather go without, giving what they have for themselves to their children. We say that God will provide and yes He will. How He does this may be down to us.
With our faith there needs to be action, both as individuals and as a church. Thank you to everyone who has given gifts – every penny will be saving lives at this critical time. Please continue to give whatever you can. We have seen how these gifts bring hope, knowing that others care enough about them to provide for their needs. Through these actions of love, some will come to know our loving God in a new and personal way and for others, they will come to know Him for the very first time. At Teso Development Trust we are committed to do whatever we can to help through our water programme and relief.
Let us pray for everyone affected. ‘Most people say life is the thing and prayer helps it. The truth is that prayer is the thing and life tests it.’ (Archbishop William Temple in the 1940s)
Let us put first things first – our love and obedience to God followed by our love of others and a helping hand in times of trouble.
We are confident knowing that God has a plan for all of us. We continue to give Him thanks and praise in all circumstances.
‘For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.’ (Matthew 25 verse 35)
Christine Moyes