I have been asked by some of the congregation to give them some idea of what a 10% tithe of money may look like.
Earnings per: | Tithing could be: | ||||
Year | Month | Week | Year | Month | Week |
£5,000 | £416 | £96 | £500 | £42 | £10 |
£ 10,000 | £833 | £192 | £1,000 | £83 | £19 |
£12,000 | £1,000 | £230 | £1,200 | £100 | £23 |
£14,000 | £1,166 | £270 | £1,400 | £116 | £27 |
£15,000 | £1,250 | £288 | £1,500 | £125 | £29 |
£18,000 | £1,500 | £346 | £1,800 | £150 | £35 |
£20,000 | £1,666 | £385 | £2,000 | £167 | £38 |
£22,000 | £1,833 | £423 | £2,200 | £183 | £42 |
£25,000 | £2,083 | £480 | £2,500 | £208 | £48 |
You’re getting the idea now of what a tithe looks like – you can choose to look at these figures as ‘before’ or ‘after’ you have paid tax, national insurance, etc. The choice is yours. But please prayerfully look at your giving and ask God if He would like you to change the way or the amount you give, whether it be to the church or another charity. The Parish Giving Scheme is perfect if you are a taxpayer, but standing orders are also very welcome.
Please come and chat to me any time I’m around …
Yours in Christ,
Pat Smart, Treasurer
‘Remember that the person who sows few seeds will have a small crop: the one who sows many seeds will have a large crop. You should each give, then, as you have decided, not with regret or out of a sense of duty; for God loves the one who gives gladly. And God is able to give you more than you need, so that you will always have all you need for yourselves and more than enough for every good cause.’
2 Corinthians 9 verses 6-8