Caz Gatehouse asks us, ‘Do we look at people as Jesus did?’
‘When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”’ Matthew 9 verses 37-38
Not surprisingly, as it is Harvest, I have found these verses pop up a lot over the last couple of weeks. Whilst we are thanking God for his provision at this time, these verses remind us that God has a different harvest in mind! As wheat is harvested and brought into the barns, so God wants people to be brought into his kingdom.
Do we look at people as Jesus did, with compassion because they are ‘like sheep without a shepherd’? As we look at our immediate neighbourhood around St Saviour’s, it would be easy to think they are ok. They have nice houses, cars, clothes. They seem to have a good life, and they may not seem like they need our compassion.
On a trip out to Romania to visit a friend working with an organisation that reached out to street children, it was very easy to have compassion for these children. Their needs were so obvious – food, clothing, shelter, love, and care. Yet as I prayed and thought about joining my friend in this work, I heard God say, “The needs of these children are obvious, but whilst the children you work with may not have the same needs, they are still lost and need someone to share my love with them.”
That is one way God spoke to me and led me into the ministry I am in today, working with children and families. It is why we put on regular events like Messy Church, and Baby and Toddlers, as well as the bigger ones, like Light Party and Good Friday. So that we can meet up with people in our neighbourhood, build up those relationships and have the opportunity to share our faith with them.
But both our Messy Church and Baby and Toddler teams need more workers! People committed to coming along regularly, so that relationships can be built (parents who can come along to things with their child to build friendships, people to come and sit and chat, or people with a little more time who are happy to help with preparation or planning).
So I would ask you, as Jesus did the disciples, to pray with me for more workers. As you pray for this need, remember God often answers our prayers by using us! Come and have a chat if you want to find out more!
Caz Gatehouse, children’s minister
PS Don’t forget to sign up for the Light Party!