Sharon Gay invites us to find out what happens at Thursday Club, our monthly group for ladies. And yes, it meets on Thursdays!
Come with me and take a chair
Meet the Thursday Club, see what happens there.
Our monthly meetings are welcoming and fun,
But where did we come from? How did we ‘become’?
A young wives group some years ago,
Matured considerably (where does time go?)
Not once, but twice or maybe even three
So a new name just had to be.
Some members have been there for quite a long spell
While more recent recruits have slotted in well.
As time passes we’ve shared others’ pleasures, sometimes woes
There’s a lot of experience ‘on the clock’ and it shows!
Members have come from all walks of life –
Work placements, house moves, periods of strife
Support is quietly given, no fuss or brass band;
If necessary folk know there’s a helping hand.
Why not give Thursday Club a go?
The group meets on the third Thursday evening of each month (except August) in the Link, starting at 7.30pm and going on until about 9pm. There’s a different speaker or activity each month. Meeting topics are varied from A through to Z. We’ve done culinary crafts, quizzes, shared meals, and ‘visited’ Africa with a group of young people through Urban Saints.
Our annual donation to charity has included varied causes: Water Aid, Sight Savers, Toilet Twinning, Smile Train, and nearer to home: Christchurch Stroke Unit, the Air Ambulance, About Face, Bournemouth Women’s Refuge, and Dorset Blind Association.
Our opening prayer, written by a former member, encourages us to be thankful and remember those not with us. With everything from fellowship to a helping hand, from interesting talks to raising money for good causes, there’s lots to interest and plenty of support and fun! Why not give it a go? New members are always welcome.
Sharon Gay, Thursday Club