May I wish everyone a very Happy New Year full of God’s blessings of hope, joy, peace and love.
I haven’t seen many of you over Christmas and the New Year as I was busy taking a variety of services outside St Saviour’s. They included taking Christmas communion to those who cannot get to St. Saviour’s because of poor health or disability. I believe it is really important not to forget those who have often served the church for many years and to let them know they are still valued and part of the family of the church. Visitors are also welcome, so if there is anyone with a little extra time to give, it would be appreciated.
St Saviour’s has a wide-ranging pastoral ministry, much of it unknown and unseen. One of our links is the Retired Nurses’ Home (behind Tesco). We have been providing ministry there for many years, which is much appreciated by the residents. There is a communion service on the second Tuesday of each month in the morning and I usually lead the afternoon service at 3.30pm on the third Sunday. The residents and myself are delighted to have visitors to add volume to our joyful singing and worship. We are trying to extend our pastoral ministry to more residents, but do need some additional help. Margaret Shelton plays keyboard for us, but if there is anyone who would be willing to help when needed that would be wonderful. This is a valued and important ministry so please do come and join us or see me if you can help.
With thanks and blessings
Ethney Ellwood