Christine and Bev have a Christmas wish list for St Saviour’s!
Now that we are in the time of Advent, the Christmas season is well and truly here. Do please look out for information about all our up and coming special services and events – and don’t forget to invite your family and friends to come along.
Christmas, traditionally, is the season for giving and, as a church, St Saviour’s is always so good at responding to appeals for help both far and near. A big ‘Thank you’ to all those who have supported the recent shoebox and Foodbank campaigns.
It is said that charity begins at home. Of course, another word for charity is love. Our church is our family, made up of us all sharing in our love for God and each other. Let us not forget, however, that we have a special place, which is our spiritual home where we meet and worship together. As we look around “the estate”, it is a sizeable plot comprising church, halls, Link, and grounds. All of these take considerable time and money to maintain and look after. Thank you to all who give their time and money regularly to help this happen.
Also we give thanks to those who have donated an extra gift recently. If you have not yet thought about giving of your time and/or making that special donation during the November gift month, it’s not too late to get involved. Please pause for a moment and consider what this place means to you and the love gift you would like to make in order that we may continue with the work God has assigned to us. Our community knows us as a church “that cares for each other”, but please do not let us neglect the fact that we need to care for our church buildings also.
We have our Christmas Wish List ready with all things we would love to be able to do, including in first place new church doors. These are expensive and without your gifts we are not able to move forward with getting them done. God, and churchwardens, love cheerful givers! All gifts large and small are so welcome and appreciated. With our love and prayers for a peaceful and happy Christmas.
‘And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.’ 1 Corinthians 13 verse 13
Christine Moyes and Bev Collum-Mills, churchwardens