I know that I am not alone in finding it hard to believe that this year’s Alpha@St Saviour’s has finished! Our eight-week course has gone really quickly and seen a group of 10 people come to the sessions. Each week we began with a stunning range of delicious desserts, which were followed by teaching sessions that included a variety of speakers and downloads from the brand new Alpha film series which helped folk to consider fundamental questions about the Christian faith.
The sometimes challenging issues and questions covered in the course sessions were followed up each week with times of discussion in small groups. In these small groups there was the chance to discuss the session’s question, seek further understanding and clarification, air doubts, share personal experiences. The small group leaders had the task of leading their group members in their questioning and personal journey of exploration without forcing ideas and answers on the candidates; a personal, honest engagement for candidates was the aim.
On Saturday 18 November, David Betts from St Mary’s Longfleet led four sessions particularly focusing on teaching about the Holy Spirit. During this time we all got to know one another better with more time to focus upon and reflect on what was being learned. During this day in particular, God through His Holy Spirit was able to slowly and gently transform hearts and reveal Jesus in new ways.
For each of the course attendees Alpha has inevitably been a different experience:
- Renewal and confirmation of faith
- Still being left with unanswered questions
- Not being convinced by the claims of Christianity
- Life changing encounters with God
- The beginning of a new life of faith
- Healing
- Being able to think of their relationship with Jesus in a completely different way
- Thinking about life and faith in new ways
One candidate has explained that she is really looking forward to how Alpha and her deepening faith will change her. Please continue to pray for the people who came on the course and if you would like to join in or know someone who would benefit from Alpha, then please do speak to me or contact me via the church office. Alpha will be back!
Julie Melvin