Updated 29th November 2021
Welcome to St Saviour’s
Welcome to St Saviour’s Church, whether it’s your first time here or you’ve been many times before.
St Saviour’s Church building is open for services on Wednesdays and Sundays, it is also open for many of our groups and activities in the Link and halls. For full details of events and services please look at our events calendar.
We also record all of our Sunday morning services which can then be viewed via St Saviour’s YouTube channel. Please like our videos and subscribe to the channel to be notified about new content, this also helps our content to become more recognised on YouTube
The church office is currently open on Monday and Wednesday mornings. we are currently operating at limited capacity as we are without an admin team but Jez and Caz will do everything they can to help, or will otherwise direct you to someone who can.
Staying safe
Please continue to help us all to stay safe:
- If you have a recent onset of a new continuous cough and/or high temperature, please do not come to St Saviour’s. Click here for NHS guidance.
- Our seating is spread out throughout the church, and there is a reasonable distance between the front row of chairs and the platform area. we ask that you attempt to maintain sensible distances wherever possible.
- Hand-sanitisers are available for your use. they can be found by the entrances as well as around the premises.
- Wearing masks is a personal choice, though some of you who do not like wearing a mask may choose to wear one for the sake of others. There is a designated area for those wearing a mask who prefer to sit with other mask-wearers.
- Great news – we are all free to sing during the praise and worship led by the worship group.
- Windows (and doors where possible) are open to ensure good ventilation and the church is being regularly Covid-cleaned and sanitised.
- Ask the welcome team or a member of staff if you are unsure.
Thank you! We look forward to seeing you in person!